Thursday, February 25, 2016

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 Nothing in this world is the same. Your left hand is different from your right hand, even your feet might look similar but they are not totally the same in terms of their appearance and even their functions. They have their own different used and functions which might help everyone. We, human are not the same, maybe there are times that we might felt that we were similar to one another because of acts that might shown our similarities but definitely weren’t totally the same. We are created together with our own aptitude and potential that may lead to our own success in our lives. We are genius enough based on what we are and what we have. Every seconds and minutes in our lives there were newer lives that God allows to see the beauty of the world in different times and in different aspects of life that the earth has.

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“Everyone is unique”. We, future educators must know that in order for us to cope with our student diversities in the near future.
Our task is to consider the individual differences among the students in for effective instructions. We, as a facilitator of learning must do our best to train our future students and develop their inherent skills and talent which may lead to their success. We must teach them not only the academics areas but also as a human being. We must facilitate everything in order to understand the differences that our student possesses.  We must teach on how to be as what you really are, and what is you wanted to be.

 We are now in the 21st century in which the learners are engage in real world situations “authenticity” that might happen outside the four corner of the classroom. We must broaden our teaching perspective and expanding experiences beyond the confines of the classroom to the wider learning environment of the world but before that, we, as teacher must be globally competitive and should be knowledgeable enough to share our thoughts and knowledge to our future students.
Photo credit to : http:// wp-content/uploads/2013/10/

“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own”. – Ben Sweetland. 

This quotation will serves as guide for every teacher who are really devoted to share the continuous learning that the students should have too. We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results. Through these, I can now say that every child is a potential genius which may help the lives of everyone, especially us, Teachers.